It’s beginning to look a lot like Winter Guard season.
Harrison’s Winter Guard received clearance from county and school administrators to proceed with a competitive season for 2021, and the competition schedule is taking shape. Guard tentatively is scheduled to compete March 6 at East Coweta, March 13th at River Ridge, and March 27 at the SAPA Championship.

Flying Our Guard Flag
Since early December, the 18-member Harrison Winter Guard has been rehearsing in the Harrison gyms several nights each week, working on a new routine they plan to perform in 2021 Southern Association of Performance Arts (SAPA) and Winter Guard International (WGI) events. Details of the theme and show remain under close – ugh – guard until being revealed at the first competition.
While the theme and details of the 2021 Guard show remains a closely guarded secret, there’s absolutely no mystery that each Guard member is determined to master the choreography, twists, turns and throws that are the hallmark of Winter Guard shows. Now that the season is looking like a reality rather than a dream, rehearsals are taking on a more serious tone. Turns are a bit tighter, twirling is more consistent and those famous flying flags are being tossed and caught crisply.

2021 Guard Leadership
Harrison’s Winter Guard is directed by Austin Price, in his first year as director. Captains are Serenidy Benton, Itzannel Campos, AnnaBelle DeHaas, and Isabella Parker. Equipment Managers are Sarah Grace Bates, Sarah Collins, Jillian Howell and Nancy McBride. Isabella Parker is the Guard’s sole senior this season, now in her third year of Winter Guard performance.

The announcement of the 2021 Guard season is particularly exciting to the returning members who experienced the abrupt end to last year’s season due to Covid-19. The cancellation announcement came after Guard captured a first-place finish with its grunge-music Mix Tape routine at the Arts in Motion competition and was preparing to travel to Dayton, OH, for the WGI Championships.

About Harrison High School Bands
Since its inception in 1991, the Harrison High School band program has quickly established a reputation for musical excellence. The Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band and Concert Band each meet for 90 minutes every day within a four-period block schedule and typically perform five to six concerts per year. Students in the Harrison bands are consistent members of the District Honor Band, Georgia All-State Band, Atlanta Symphony Youth Orchestra, Atlanta Youth Wind Symphony, Metropolitan Youth Symphony Orchestra, Honor Band of America, Georgia’s Governor’s Honors Program, Atlanta Youth Jazz Orchestra and Georgia Youth Symphony Orchestra. In addition to excellence in music, Harrison Band members consistently demonstrate outstanding scholastic, teamwork and competitive abilities, learning personal relationship, study and life skills important to success. Learn more about the program at