The latest news from Harrison High School Bands.
Arts in Motion 2018
On February 10, 2018, Harrison Bands was host to the 9th annual SAPA Arts in Motion Winter Guard competition at Harrison High School. Amazingly, we hosted 60 guard units, with an estimated 2,500+ people in the building throughout the...
Wind Ensemble at GMEA In-Service Conference
Congratulations to the Wind Ensemble for their performance at the GMEA In-Service Conference at the Classic Center in Athens, GA on January 26. 2018.
Director Josh Ray on Facebook:
“The Harrison Wind Ensemble was out of this world amazing tonight. They...
2017 Western Carolina Tournament of Champions
Congratulations to the Harrison Marching Band for their 2nd place overall finish (Reserve Grand Champion) in the 2017 Western Carolina Tournament of Champions on October 21st! Congratulations also to our Percussion for Best Percussion award, and to our Color...