The Harrison Bands Winter Guard completed a successful 2022 spring season with a sixth place finish at SAPA Championships held at McKenzie Arena in Chattanooga, TN.
The 2022 Winter Guard Show was entitled Exile, and featured music by Taylor Swift. Winter Guard performed the show at five SAPA competitions during the spring semester, and demonstrated improved scores at every competition.

Four seniors provided experienced leadership to the 2022 Guard. Seniors were Nancy McBride, Sarah Collins, Rosie Hatton and Kaitlyn Towns.

Guard focus now transitions from the winter season to fall. The fall-ensemble Harrison Color Guard will be having tryouts in the band room on May 2, 3, and 5, from 5 pm to 7 pm.
Fall color guard is open to all rising freshman, as well as all 10th-12th graders! Boys and girls are both allowed, and no experience is required. Students should wear comfortable clothing they can be active in, and do not need to bring any of their own equipment.